How to Get Pregnant Quicker

Posted By admin on March 27, 2010

How to Get Pregnant Quicker

Do you want to know how to get pregnant quicker? You can get pregnant quicker by being in possession of certain key facts how to lead a healthy lifestyle, when your fertile days are and any vitamins you should be taking.

To get pregnant quicker you and your partner must be in tip top condition physically and must lead a healthy lifestyle. Eating a nutritious, well balanced diet before pregnancy ensures that your body has an adequate supply of the vitamins and minerals it needs. Such a diet would include regular meals with at least 5 portions per day of fruit and vegetables for vitamins and fibre, lean meat and fish for protein, starchy foods such as potatoes, whole grain cereals and pasta and finally dairy foods such as milk and yogurt for calcium.

The only pre pregnancy vitamin recommended for women eating a healthy diet like this is folic acid (one of the B vitamins). You need folic acid to reduce the risk of your baby being born with a neural tube defect such as spina bifida. Take 400 micrograms (0.4mg) of folic acid daily in addition to the recommended intake of 200 micograms (0.2mg) in your diet. Folic acid can be found fresh, dark green vegetables such as brussels sprouts, peas, broccoli and chick peas. Many breakfast cereals are also fortified with folic acid.

Stop smoking and drinking and get pregnant quicker. This is also true for men as smoking and drinking affects the quality of the sperm. Get pregnant quicker by trying to maintain a BMI of less than 29 because being overweight can reduce fertility. There is a link between increased scrotal temperature and reduced sperm quality, so it might be a good idea for men to wear loose fitting underwear.

You can get pregnant quicker by knowing when you are most fertile in the month. The ovaries usually release an egg 14 days before the beginning of your next period. This is called ovulation. 2 3 months before you want to get pregnant chart how many days your monthly cycle is and watch for the emerging pattern. If your cycle is 26 days, you would ovulate on day 12 and you would be fertile 3 days before and 3 days after that day (.e on day 9 and 12 respectively). You can also get pregnant quicker by taking your temperature over a couple of months before you get out of bed in the morning. Your temperature will drop and then rise before ovulation.You are fertile for one day before your temperature drops and for one day after it remains elevated.

Keeping an eye on your cervical mucus can help to get pregnant quicker. It is time ot conceive when your cervical mucus is like egg white thick and stretchy looking.Having sex no more than once a day during your fertile period will help to get pregnant quicker as your partner s sperm count will remain high enough for fertilisation to occur. Have intercourse in the missionary position as this enables the penis to penetrate deep into the cervix and for gravity to help the sperm to the egg.

Killing off sperm however will certainly not get pregnant quicker so do not use a lubricant during intercourse unless it is a sperm friendly one such as Pre seed. You can buy this on line.

Get pregnant quicker by relaxing and enjoying this experience with your partner. Trying too hard can often have a negative effect on whatever we are trying to do. Look instead for areas in your life that are stressful and try to make them less so. Incorporate relaxation into your life in the form of massages, me time and other things you enjoy doing.

I sincerely hope that the information contained in this article will help you and your partner get pregnant quicker. Baby dust!

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Infertility-How to get pregnant-Improve your chances of having a baby-Tips!!

Posted By admin on March 25, 2010

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