When Are You Most Likely to Get Pregnant? – A Quick Fertility Guide

Posted By admin on March 23, 2010

When Are You Most Likely to Get Pregnant? – A Quick Fertility Guide

For women trying to conceive, diet and nutrition can be highly important. But even the greatest pregnancy medical advice will have trouble pinpointing the best days to become pregnant. Before you consider any infertility option, you should first make sure you learn the in’s and out’s of your ovulation cycle. The getting pregnant tricks and tips below will show you how.

Each month, you only have so many fertile days to become pregnant. Sometimes the fertilization window can be open for mere hours, which is why it’s so important to really keep track of your periods in order to lock down a definitive cycle for yourself. This should be done months in advance, in order to get a good amount of data on your body and how it reacts each month. Different times of year, weather, and stress levels can all affect your menstrual cycle to some degree… to help become pregnant, you need to know as much as you can.

Trying to conceive stories are everywhere, and while some of them are disheartening there are a good many that are enlightening too. If you’ve been unsuccessful in getting pregnant, try to stay upbeat about it no matter what you do. Your body will react poorly toward depression and negativity, and the best pregnancy medical advice won’t help you if your mindset is counterproductive to what you’re trying to accomplish. Stay positive, strong, fit and healthy. Keep an open mind, and speak to your doctor about prenatal vitamins that have traditionally aided women who needed help becoming pregnant. Most of all, remember that you are not alone. There are all kinds of forums and message boards where you can gain advice, hope, and support from other people going through the same things you are. The best days to become pregnant are the days you’re happy, relaxed, and receptive to the idea of conceiving a baby. And that’s better than any other infertility option you can come up with.

The golden question: when are you most likely to get pregnant? The best answer here would be the two days leading up to and including your ovulation date, and the two days immediately afterward. Mark off the first day of your menstrual period on the calendar each month, and after a few months you should start to see trends. Mathematically calculate how long you have between periods. Most people conform to a standard 28-day cycle, but that doesn’t mean yours can’t be slightly shorter or longer. Your luteal phase is represented by the time between your ovulation and your next period, and this should be approximately 12-14 days. By counting backward from the projected date of your next period, you can use this formula to determine when you’ll ovulate next.

Can you get pregnant when you are not ovulating? In short, no. This is why it’s important that you utilize your calendar to help become pregnant. You and your partner should be having intercourse as much as possible for the two days before, during, and after your date of ovulation. There’s no such thing as too much! And unless the male is known to have a lower sperm count, there’s nothing wrong with having sex every single day of that time period. “Saving up” isn’t necessary in most cases where your partner demonstrates a healthy ejaculate, as there are literally millions of sperm waiting to fertilize the egg after each time you copulate.

Women also often ask: will different sexual positions help me get pregnant? Yes and no. In most cases it’s not necessary, but if you want to increase chances of getting pregnant you should opt for deeper penetration during orgasm. This enables more sperm to reach the egg, and faster too. After sex, it’s been proven to increase fertility chances if the female were to lay on her back with her legs slightly raised up at about a 30-degree angle. Let gravity work with you for once, instead of against you. This keeps sperm inside you just that much longer, helping increase the chance that fertilization will occur.

Yet even if you don’t have intercourse every day, sperm can survive inside your womb for up to a day or two. This increases your number of fertile days to become pregnant by default, but your best chances will always be obtained by having sex on your date of ovulation. No matter how many getting pregnant days you’ve calculated, this one act alone will increase the likelihood of fertilization like nothing else can.

If after trying all this you find you still need help becoming pregnant, there are still a ton of other things you can do to help fertility. The Personal Path to Pregnancy is an online resource offering an amazing free report for women who are having difficulty trying to conceive a baby. Within this guide you’ll find a load of information on identifying your body type in order to lock down your ovulation date, nutritional and diet information to help become pregnant, medicines and vitamins to avoid as well as the top mistakes that most women make during this crucial time. You can also read the trying to conceive stories and testimonials from the thousands of women who have already used this resource to give birth to their own healthy babies.

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How To Get Pregnant Fast & Naturally Are You Trying To Conceive?

Posted By admin on March 21, 2010

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